The Best Way To Add Extra Vegetables To Your Day
By Fit3 Head Coach Tina Van Horn
I am incredibly lucky that both of my kids love vegetables. They will eat Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, and cauliflower without smothering them in a cheesy sauce! However, even though we love eating our veggies, sometimes it is difficult to check all our boxes on the Fit3 Daily Snapshot. In fact, it’s not uncommon to make it to the end of the day with a serving or two left to fill.
While you probably don’t crave carrots with your morning coffee, breakfast is the perfect time to get an extra serving or two of colorful veggies and a healthy dose of vitamins and fiber. You do not have to add kale to your pancakes, but there are a ton of options beyond throwing mushrooms and peppers in your scrambled eggs.
Believe it or not, you can add veggies to your shake. If you still haven’t tried a green smoothie, you are seriously missing out! Throw a fistful of spinach into the blender with some milk, a banana, and Fit3 Active and you have the perfect combination of protein, carbs and fiber to energize your morning rush! Want to really step out of your comfort zone? Try some riced cauliflower in your shake! Avocados also add a unique creaminess to any Fit3 shake. You can always get recipe ideas on our Nutrition Tips & Recipes Page.
Reliv’s Art Director, Amie Schilson, loves to add fresh carrots to her peach smoothies because it makes them look savory and infuses immunity-boosting nutrients and tummy-filling fiber. Pureed pumpkin, sweet potatoes and squash make your shake not only look pretty but taste amazing, too! And here’s a quick and easy tip: little jars of pureed vegetable baby food are perfectly-sized for throwing in your next shake.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to sneaking in those extra veggies! Best of all, you’ll definitely notice a difference in your day by getting those additional vitamins in the morning. I challenge YOU this week to add a vegetable to your daily shake! Share your favorite vegetable add-in to our Fit3 Facebook Group!